CX Corporation is a “Research and Development” company with over 30 years of experience designing technologies in use by the North Carolina Courts. We measure ourselves by the legal development expertise we are able to provide. We offer services that compliment the practices of law and the court, while maintaining the respectful tradition of the law. We pride ourselves in our unparalleled expertise in the most advanced technologies to the trial court system.
Stay connected, Trial By Cloud, a layer of technology to increase access to court information. You are able to access all of your information from different devices and allows people to work from different and secure locations.
Clerkwurx innovations automate the ever growing task of judicial services. It is a cost effective solution for ease of management in the day-to-day operations of the clerk. Clerkwurx brings all the control of information straight to the Clerk’s desktop, and allows them to work smarter not harder.